Credit Course Schedules

Business - Fall 2024

Term Definitions

In Person
Classes meet in person on campus; specific days/times/location
Online - Asynchronous
Classes meet fully online; no specific days/times/locations
Online - Synchronous (Zoom)
Classes meet via Zoom or other resource; specific days/times
Hybrid - Online Asynchronous & Online Synchronous (Zoom)
A portion of the classes meet synchronous via Zoom or other resource and a portion is asynchronous online; there will be some specific days/times
Hybrid - Online & In-person
A portion of the classes meet in person on campus and a portion is asynchronous or synchronous online; there will be some specific days/times/locations
Hybrid - Online Asynchronous & In Person
Classes meet in both asynchronous online and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations for in-person portions of classes are listed with each course
Hybrid - Online Synchronous (Zoom) & In Person
Classes meet in both synchronous online (Zoom) and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations are listed with each course
Combines online and face-to-face instruction. Students may participate in different ways: online - synchronous, online - asynchronous, face-to-face, 或者作为一个灵活的学习者(学生可以在一定程度上选择他们每周的参与方式).
Flex课程可以为学生提供面对面交流的机会 在校园里,在已经安排好的同步日期和时间,如果 conditions allow.
Imputed credits
计算学分是为需要准备的学生开设的发展性课程 themselves for college-level work. They count toward financial aid 但不计入获得的大学学分或GPA.
Interactive TV
课程在一个校园现场授课,并向一个或多个学生直播 more additional campus locations. Cameras and microphones at all sites 允许教师和学习者互相看到和交谈.
Keyboarding/Word Processing — 4022
BUS 1360 – 3 credits
Jeanne L. Johnston

学生将学习使用Microsoft Word构建技能的基础知识. 强调商务信函、报告和表格的文档格式. 主要的重点放在提高速度/准确性和提高校对技能. No requisites. Institutional Course Syllabus

Aug 26 – Dec 20 TBD
Intro to Business — 4028
BUS 1500 – 3 credits
Sarah Bray

学生将学习自由企业制度的要素和特征,并对商业的功能领域和商业世界的基本概念进行概述. 一些主题包括商业环境, 企业的组织和管理, 人力资源和生产的管理, marketing, finance, government's role in business, social responsibility, and cultural diversity, 以及当今企业高管面临的主要社会问题. 推荐给初学商科学生和非商科学生. 资格:无支撑的eng1510或必要条件:带支撑的eng1510. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus

Aug 26 – Dec 20 TBD
Princ/Financial Accounting — 4031
BUS 1510 – 4 credits
Cindy L. Hinz

学生将对会计在满足社会对财务信息的需求方面的作用有一个广泛的了解. In an overview of the accounting profession, 学生将了解设计背后的普遍接受的会计原则, integrity, 会计信息系统的有效性. 为决策者提供相关的财务报表和使用计算机生成财务信息概述. 资格:无支撑的eng1510或必要条件:带支撑的eng1510, and MAT 0600, MAT 1500, or higher. J fall, spring; C fall, spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus

Aug 26 – Dec 20 TBD
Princ/Managerial Accounting — 4189
BUS 1520 – 4 credits
Cindy L. Hinz

学生将展示管理会计的基本决策和分析技能. 通过债务或资本结构为企业融资, analysis of cash flows, financial ratios, manufacturing costs, budgeting, cost-volume-profit analysis, 并涵盖了当前的管理会计主题. Prerequisite: BUS 1510. Institutional Course Syllabus

Aug 26 – Dec 20 TBD
Professional Development — 4229
BUS 2420 – 5 credits
Krysta M. Rives

学生将通过每周在商业机构工作10小时,学习在商业环境中整合理论和实践. Student, instructor, 与实习现场主管共同规划实习经历,帮助学生专业发展. A weekly, 两个小时的研讨会重点关注与当今商业世界所需的专业精神相关的主题. 先决条件:大二在读,必须是专业. Institutional Course Syllabus

Aug 26 – Dec 20 TBD
Professional Development — 4231
BUS 2420 – 0 or 5 credits
Krysta M. Rives

学生将通过每周在商业机构工作10小时,学习在商业环境中整合理论和实践. Student, instructor, 与实习现场主管共同规划实习经历,帮助学生专业发展. A weekly, 两个小时的研讨会重点关注与当今商业世界所需的专业精神相关的主题. 先决条件:大二在读,必须是专业. Institutional Course Syllabus

Aug 26 – Dec 20 TBD
Business Law II — 4233
BUS 2540 – 3 credits
Dion Daly

学生将使用案例法学习和考察商业的法律环境,其中法律适用于实际情况. In BUS 2530, 学生学习法院系统和程序法, tort and criminal law, constitutional law, and contract law. In BUS 2540, 学生学习与个人财产和信托有关的法律, real property, secured transactions and bankruptcy, 商业结构包括合伙企业和公司, and the Uniform Commercial Code. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus

Aug 26 – Dec 20 TBD
Marketing — 4282
BUS 2550 – 3 credits
Jennifer L. Forney

学生将学习策划和实施各种产品营销活动的过程, services, or ideas, 并分析商品和服务从生产者到消费者的流动所涉及的理论. 美国经济的动态特性要求学生展示营销概念的知识, buyer behavior, product analysis, pricing factors, institutions and channels of distribution, and promotional strategies. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C spring; Online occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus

Aug 26 – Dec 20 TBD
Princ of Management — 4283
BUS 2570 – 3 credits
Sara J. Congdon

Students will learn the basic concepts, factors, functions, 以及组织管理的技巧. 学生将获得具体的规划知识, organizing, directing, 以及在生产组织中这些功能的控制和相互联系. Upon course completion, 学生将在个人和团队为基础的环境中展示良好管理原则的知识. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J fall; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus

Aug 26 – Dec 20 TBD
Mgmt / Organizational Behavior — 4284
BUS 2580 – 3 credits
Jennifer L. Forney

学生将了解行为科学的基本概念及其在组织中工作的个人绩效的应用. 学生将学习影响生产力的关键态度和行为. Upon course completion, 学生将展示对影响绩效的因素(如领导力)的理解, motivation, communication, absenteeism, 工作满意度以及对不同个人互动方式对组织的贡献的基本理解. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ENG 1530. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

Aug 26 – Dec 20 TBD
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